Zoom Warning: Keep Trolls Out
Unwanted visitors may be able to "Zoombomb" your meeting; check settings.
Consider adjusting your Zoom settings when scheduling a meeting:
- Protect the details of your Zoom session: The time, date and session ID should only be known by the people you are inviting to the session.
- Enable Only authenticated users can join meetings: Participants need to authenticate prior to joining meetings.
- Change the screensharing feature to Host Only: Disabling default sharing by all will prevent uninvited attendees from sharing malicious content during your session.
- Disable the Join Before Host option: Preventing users from joining before you arrive preserves your control over the session. Use the waiting room feature vs. allowing people to join when host isn't present
- Enable the Co-Host option: This will assign moderation duties to another host (user) during your session. It is always a good idea to have someone looking out for you while you are busy leading the session.
- Disable the Allow Removed Participants to Rejoin option: This prevents anyone who was removed from the meeting from rejoining and creating a hostile environment.
- The Host can have attendees join muted or the host can Manage Participants - Mute All.
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