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Zoom Warning: Keep Trolls Out

Unwanted visitors may be able to "Zoombomb" your meeting; check settings. 

Consider adjusting your Zoom settings when scheduling a meeting:

  1. Protect the details of your Zoom session:  The time, date and session ID should only be known by the people you are inviting to the session.
  2. Enable Only authenticated users can join meetings: Participants need to authenticate prior to joining meetings.
  3. Change the screensharing feature to Host Only:  Disabling default sharing by all  will prevent uninvited attendees from sharing malicious content during your session.
  4. Disable the Join Before Host option: Preventing users from joining before you arrive preserves your control over the session. Use the waiting room feature vs. allowing people to join when host isn't present  
  5. Enable the Co-Host option:  This will assign moderation duties to another host (user) during your session. It is always a good idea to have someone looking out for you while you are busy leading the session.
  6. Disable the Allow Removed Participants to Rejoin option: This prevents anyone who was removed from the meeting from rejoining and creating a hostile environment.
  7. The Host can have attendees join muted or the host can Manage Participants - Mute All.