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Adobe Sign-in Required

Adobe Creative Cloud Suite, including Acrobat for PDF viewing, requires sign-in.


Adobe's Shared Device Licensing model, used to deploy and manage Adobe applications in labs and on shared devices such as podium computers, assigns the license to the device. User login to Adobe Creative Cloud is required.


In addition to device login, to use any Adobe application on a shared device, each end user needs to sign in to Adobe Creative Cloud with their WPI email address and password or Adobe account. This is a global Adobe requirement. Adobe's current licensing does not allow the device login to pass authentication through to its applications. WPI IT will monitor Adobe updates to see whether this is incorporated in the future.

Action Needed

Log into device using WPI credentials. Launch Adobe application. When prompted for Adobe sign in: Enter WPI email address and password. If you were previously provisioned an Adobe account that does not use your WPI Password, continue using those credentials instead. Adobe application will open.