Phishing: [EXT] New VM (31 Sec) from Michigan
Be aware of phishing with this subject line: [EXT] New VM (31 Sec) From Michigan; May 13, 2020, 08:30:20 AM, Refer To File To Listen
Notice the following about this phishing attempt:
- [EXT] in the Subject
- Sender address from Japan
- Sender address is a random mix of uppercase and lowercase
- The attachment is an html file
Messages that refer to actual WPI voicemail will not have [EXT] in the subject, nor will they have a website link or HTML file attachment.
Latest WPI Hub News
- New Student Account CreationWelcome new students! This is a reminder that it may take up to three hours for your new WPI account to access to all WPI systems.
- Canvas Integrates with OneDriveOneDrive is your cloud storage solution for Canvas!
- Account and Access RequestsNew form and process for submitting account and access requests for employees and contingent workers.
- Information about Safelinks in EmailExpected behavior accessing links
- Workday MaintenanceWorkday will be unavailable during planned upgrade.
- ETD Submission and Approval Now Use eProjects 2.0Electronic Thesis Dissertation (ETD) submission and approval is now an online process within eProjects 2.0.